Daily essentials
Daily essentials (Hearth health)
One third of the all Americans above 18 years of age suffers from a disease and one in 6 suffers from chronic disease.
Over-eating, eating too much processed food and the lack of exercise contributes to this problem. That is why we developed "daily essentials" a food additive that supports immune system and contributes to health.
Daily essentials are what the name indicates herbs & spices, vitamins and mineral and things we need every day.
This is a part of a system "99", meaning that you can stay healthy with physical exercise and our supplements even up to 99 year. Our daily essential (general) are herbs and spice blend for general health.
Take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening keeps the doctor away.
This product stimulates Hearth, Brain and general overall health, is anti-inflammatory,and a strong anti-oxidant.
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Order code : PBDE-001
Price $ 14.99
60 ct
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Daily essentials multivitamins and minerals 50+

Multivitamins and minerals
After a certain age food is not absorbed enough for some it comes on an early age and for some on a later age. Nevertheless when we grow older we need vitamins and minerals.
We made an effort to find the right blend of vitamins and minerals.
We succeeded in getting the right formula. We focused on three major items.
B12 is helpful for a lot of different things, such as metabolism, red blood cell formation, neurological function and DNA synthesis. Severe deficiency causes anemia, fatigue, weakness and peripheral neuropathy.
More than one in four Americans aged 50 to 71 are not getting enough vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium. “It helps with bone health, but also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, asthma and allergy and inflammation.
National Eye Institute, found that taking a combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin and zinc may slow the progression of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and may play a role in cataract prevention.
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Order code: PBDE-002
Price $ 14.99
30 ct.
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Daily fiber + vitamin C
Fiber C
The latest figures show that nine out of ten Americans are not eating enough fiber; and people in other parts of the world are also falling well short.
Part of the problem may be due to the association between fiber and bathroom habits. Yes, fiber offers a healthy and effective way to stay regular.
But that’s not the only reason why we should be including more in our diets. Many different studies have highlighted how eating a diet high in fiber can boost your immune system and overall health, and improve how you look and feel.
Fiber, also known as roughage, is the part of plant-based foods (grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans) that the body can’t break down. It passes through the body undigested, keeping your digestive system clean and healthy, easing bowel movements, and flushing cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of the body.
Fiber is daily needed. Our processed food does not have as much fiber as our body needs. Our blend is tasty and healthy. It contains natural psyllium husk and vitamin C.
We need 10 grams additional fiber + C per day, besides a healthy (15 grams) fiber rich meal. In total at least 25 grams fiber a day, according to the American Heart Association.
Vitamin C is known to enhance your immune system. So fiber + vitamin C is a marriage made in heaven.
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Order code : PBDE-003
Price $ 14.99
11 oz. 325 gram
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Immune booster
Immune booster
Your natural immune defenses include white blood cells (also called leukocytes), which maintain immune health by destroying foreign invaders and producing health-promoting antibodies, along with the beneficial bacteria in your gut that work to maintain a balanced internal environment.
Because inadequate nutrition is among the most common causes of a weakened immune system, experts agree that supporting optimal immune function begins with making sure we consume the essential vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients necessary for immune health. Regular exercise is also a key component in staying healthy.
We focused on the gut bacteria that needed a boost. We made a proprietary blend of licorice, green tea, cinnamon, bay leaves and chamomile. We strongly recommend to take this booster with our "Daily essentials" "general health" and our multivitamins and minerals especially for vitamin C and zinc, knowingly that these are beneficial for boosting the immune system.
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Order code : PBDE-004
Price $ 14.99
60 ct.
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Loose weight
Lose the weight.
Only measuring the weight is not enough, it is also the height that counts. That is why the "Body Mass Index" is introduced
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness.
If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.
If your BMI is between 18.5 and 25, it falls within the normal range.
If your BMI is between 25.0 and 30, it falls within the overweight range.
If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range.
31.8 % of all American over the age of 20 are overweight, and 38.9 % are obese.(2015-2016).
This means 71.6% of all Americans have a weight problem.
Losing weight is easily said than done. We are used to our sedentary way of life and enjoying good food are the major problems. Unfortunately the extra weight yields extra health problems.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke are a few of the health risk being overweight. Losing weight is essential for most of us. To do so you have to set reasonable goals for yourself.
Do not think that you can lose weight without physical exercise. Eating less and the right food together with our herbs and spices it will help you to loose your weight gradually.
Our suppleents come with a guideline and instructions to maximize weight loss.
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Order code : PBDE-005
Price $ 14.99
60 ct
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Gut treatment
Gut treatment
The gut is the most important and undervaluated organ in the body. It can deal with a great diversity but there are some genaral rules.Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. Looking after the health of the gut and maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms is vital for physical and mental health, immunity, and more.
The best cure here is eat good balanced food like fermented food and probiotics, avoid sugars and with the right excersise you can manage. If you have intestinal (gut) problems, like cramps or bloody stool go to your physician. If you are in need of balancing your gut we have here some herbs and spiced proven over the years that work.
We use Chamomile, Calendula, Cinnamon and fermented aloe to name a few.
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Order code : PBDE-006
Price $ 14.99
60 ct
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Snooze good
Snooze good
Sleep is one of the most important parts of life.
During normal sleep, you cycle through REM and four stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep numerous times a night. Stage 1 of NREM sleep is the lightest, while stage 4 is the deepest. Sleep is the body's way to reset itselfs and repairs the dammage sustains through the day.
People sleep and night and wake up in the morning according to our internal "clock". There are a number of reasons why people not sleeping right or enough. People should sleep about 8 hours. If you wake up tired or not getting enough sleep, our "Snooze good" may be of help. Our "Snooze good" formulation contains Hops, Chamomille Valerian root, Ashwagandha, Nutmeg and 5 mg melatonin.
Formulation of the right compounds to get a good night sleep.
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Order code : PBDE-007
Price $ 14.99
30 ct
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Food supplement bacteria fighting herbs and spices
"Plant antibiotics"
Before the pharmaceutical industry was born, people heavily depending on plant, herbs and spices. A lot of local knowledge about bacteria fighting herbs and spices was lost during the rise of the pharmaceutical industry but recently it is reviving because of resistance of bacteria against most anti-biotics and unwanted side effects of some medication.
Developments in new antibiotics is not profitable for most pharmaceutical giants. That is why we made an effort to revive the old knowledge about spice and herbs and come with a safe and cheap alternative to fight off infections.
We made a powerful bacteria and mold fighting extract derived from plants, herbs and spices. It is similar what pharmacist called a broad spectrum antibiotic but this extracts is without any side effects. This does not mean that you can take that for years.
We strongly advice to consult your physician. Our "plant antibiotics" consist of a number of extracts from garlic, black pepper, turmeric, clove and more.
We advise to take this product with our daily essentials. In case of any questions we ask you to call the telephone number on your bottle.
It is always good to have a bottle in the house just in case. All our product are backed up with scientific research and official publications.
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Order code : PBHP-001
Price $ 14.99
21 ct
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Clear the lungs with steam and
bacteria fighting extracts and compounds.
Breathe free
Inhaling steam with healing herbs
Ideal with congestion and cold
Oxigen is essential for life. Impove breathing and oxigen uptake with healing herbs.
It is known for a long time that essential oils are able the fight off infection. In this concoction we make use of different plants having these essential oils.
We use thyme, rosemary, clove, basil and others in our proprietary blend. If you use any vitamin, nutraceutical, or herbs, consult your physician at all times.
We advise to take this product with our daily essentials.
All our product are backed up with scientific research and official publications.
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Order code : PBHP-002
Price $ 14.99
4 Oz. 115 gr.
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Fight off viruses.
Many people believe that antibiotics kills viruses. This is not true. To deal with any virus your immune system will do all the work. That is why we need an optimal immune system. We need good food, good rest and common sense to deal with a virus.
Some viruses are transmitted only by blood, some by contact but most are transmitted by aerosols. These are small fluid droplets with the vires in it. It can enter the body in places like eyes, nose and mouth. To prevent to get infected wear a mask, goggles and wash your hands frequently to prevent any droplets that landed on your hands to get into your eyes, nose and mouth.
In China there is an enormous amount of experience and knowledge with diseases and also viruses. This is called the traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They use only plant & herbs extracts. We were able to reveal the recipes in use at this moment against viruses.
We also adapted it to the western situation, meaning that not all ingredients are available in the west. In any case it is always good to consult your physician before you use our product.
The blend we use consists of extracts from aloe, licorice, rosemary, ashwagandha, neem, fennel and green tea to name a few.
We advise to take this product with our daily essentials. All our product are backed up with scientific research and official publications.
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Order code : PBHP-003
Price $ 14.99
30 ct.
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Plant cancer fighting power
The "C" word is in many conversation avoided. We want to address this subject because everybody is confronted with it, whether in your family or friends, or god forbid it, by yourself. Cancer is a disease that is first written down in Egypt some 3000 years ago.
From 2014, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified more than 100 chemical, physical, and biological carcinogens. Many of these associations were recognized long before scientists understood much about how cancer develops. Today, research is discovering new carcinogens, explaining how they cause cancer, and providing insight into ways to prevent cancer.
One of the new developments is the positive effect of herbs and extract as adjuvant with the classic cancer therapy like radiation and chemo treatment. Other countries already approved the use of herbal extracts with modern medicine. We made this proprietary blend of herbs and extract with the best knowledge at this moment, published in many research articles. But before using this product consult your physician.
We use PSK, PSE and PSP from a mushroom; "Trametes versicolor", Extracts from Soursop, Aloe and cabbage to name a few. Always consult your physician.
Use this product in combination with our daily essentials. All our product are backed up with scientific research and official publications. Please take this product with our "Daily essentials"
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Order code : PBHP-004
Price $ 24.99
60 ct
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Diabetic aid
Diabetic support for type 2
Diabetes is a sneaky disease it slowly destroys your body, heart, liver kidney to name the most frequent effected organs. But no organ is spared; brain function is not optimal when sugar levels are out of balance.
Balancing is here the right word. Sugar levels that are too high or too low are not good. Any support is welcome in balancing the sugar levels in diabetes. Besides the protieraty blend of herbs and spice you can use as diabetes support, we urge you to
be active as much as you can. Try to increase your daily activity every day. For some losing weight is essential. For most people any aid to lose weight is welcome. We can help you with our blend "Lose weight", but you have to do the work.
Our proprietary herb and spice blend consists of fenugreek, bitter melon, aloe, tea, neem, basil extracts to name a few. All our product are backed up with scientific research and official publications.
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Order code : PBHP-005
Price $ 14.99
60 ct
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Neuropathy relief
Diabetic neuropathy relief
A common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, but it can also result from injuries, infections, and exposure to toxins.
Symptoms include pain, a pins-and-needles sensation, numbness, and weakness. It is more common in those who have had the disease for a number of years and can lead to many kinds of problems.
If you keep your blood glucose levels on target, it will prevent or delay nerve damage. If you already have nerve damage, try to delay further damage. Most important of neuropathy management is:
Keep your sugar levels under control! Use the right medication and exercise daily. Personally I tried many over the counter neuropathy creams. Nothing helped so I made it myself.
I guarantee your pain relief for at least half an hour, in this time you will be able to reduce your sugar levels, either by medication or exercise. Recipe is made from experience in Thailand with banana peel and coconut cream.
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Ordercode : PBHP-006
Price $ 14.99
1 Oz. 29 ml
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Pain relief cream.
Pain relief cream
Natural Magnesium Cream for Pain Calm, Leg Cramps, Sleep & Muscle Soreness. This cream can also be used for the addition of magnesium in the body.
Apply this lotion to legs before bed to help with sleep or anytime for soreness. In the journal of integrative medicine participants were asked to put magnesium chloride
four times on each limb, twice daily, for one month. People with fibromyalgia have too little magnesium in muscle cells and benifited from this simple application.
Magnesium cream as a potential curative for many conditions, such as migraines and insomnia.
However, the research on topical magnesium is very limited, and there are varying opinions as to the body’s ability to absorb it fully through the skin.
Magnesium cream has been shown in one small study to alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms, such as pain. Discuss its use with your physician to determine if transdermal magnesium is right for you.
Before all details of the use of cream of Magnesium are known we advise to use the product not longer than one week. If you decide to use cream of magnesium, test it out on a small patch of skin to see if you have an adverse reaction.
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Ordercode : PBHP-007
Price $ 14.99
1 oz. 29.5 ml.
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Pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong. It is an unpleasant feeling, such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache.
Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. Pain can be acute or chronic.
This cream reliefs the pain but also increases the blood flow, so maximal effect is achieved.
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Ordercode : PBHP-008
Price $ 24.99
6 oz. 170 gr..
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